As an organization, we understand the importance of integrating corporate social responsibility into our everyday lives, in particular our working day.

The BSK corporate social responsibility strategy is based on three things; our employees, local education, and the environment.

Through incorporating corporate social responsibility into our group strategy we have increased our employee engagement & productivity being aware of our environmental impact.


We are dedicated to every one of our employees and we put significant focus on employee engagement. Through continuous investment in new machinery and technology and an effective communication plan we can not only ensure that our employees are carrying out their best work but that they are always making an impact in their role.

We are also committed to the development of our employees and so we offer both in-house and external training. This guarantees our employees’ confidence in their role and allows them to keep up to date with any technical developments within the industry.


We like to have a positive impact on the younger generation, so we are very involved in education. We constantly seek to cooperate with relevant universities, invite outstanding graduates to visit factories and provide internship opportunities. Giving students an in-depth look at our workplace sparks their interest and gives them an insight into how the workplace works and the vast array of opportunities available to them in the industry.


We realize the importance of protecting the environment, so we have integrated recycling, reduction and reuse programs into each of our facilities. And actively cooperate with professional recycling companies, so that garbage can be processed legally. In addition, we also actively advocate employees to establish awareness of environmental protection.


Add:Room 101, Building 2, No. 38, Ditangling Road, Datang Village, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China.

Post Code:523837

Tel:+86 769 8278 2319

Fax:+86 769 8278 2340


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